Sunday, March 18, 2012


" Ternyata Cinta itu semacam gambling " 
                      -Riza, 22, A Best Friend

Seorang jenius puisi, kahlil gibran, menyeruakkan banyak kata-kata indah untuk menggambarkan cinta. Pun demikian dengan chairil anwar yang  mungkin saat ini masih hidup dengan "1000 tahun" laginya, rangkaian kata-kata indahnya juga belum bisa mendeskripsikan cinta.

Cinta itu absurd. Susah untuk dijelaskan, karena jelas lebih indah dari bermacam-macam frase yang mungkin menggambarkannya. Intuisi sesorang tentang cinta berbeda-beda, based on their own experience. 

YA! saya mungkin jatuh cinta. After a while. Setelah semuanya saya konsentrasikan untuk satu orang yang sudah hilang entah dimana. I may in love for once again! For the same reason, tentu saja saya menyukai seseorang yang gga 'common', the funny one yang memudahkan untuk jatuh cinta, bahkan tanpa terasa banyak pembodohan juga yang terjadi selama proses itu. AHH!

Saya menggambarkannya seperti Traffic Light, off course colorfull. Have a really nice attractive color. Red, yellow and green. And I definitely have no idea, when the exact time to stop, or ready or go! Im trapped into situation. 

Beberapa orang sahabat sempat menasehati bahwa memang gga ada yang salah dengan mengharapkan yang terbaik, everyone deserve for the best. But better if prepared for the worst that may come along the progress too. Well. mengantisipasi berdiri sebelum terjatuh memang perlu. Dan 'playing hard to catch me' semacam perlu juga. Nothing worth having comes easy bukan ?!

I dont even know what kind the ending of my story, Should I prepared for the worst ?? Because it seems like we both hard to find the good path. Well, from now on imma just gonna let it flow. And Enjoying the progress.

Just like a shoe, if someone is meant for you, they will fit perfectly, no forcing, no struggling, no pain. Bener kan?

Thursday, March 15, 2012


I wanted a perfect ending.
Now I've learned,
the hard way,
that some poems don't rhyme,
and some stories don't have a clear beginning, middle, and end.
Life is about not knowing,
having to change,
taking the moment and making the best of it, without knowing what's going to happen next.

You and I will meet again
When we're least expecting it
One day in some far off place
I will recognize your face
I won't say goodbye my friend
For you and I will meet again 

-Tom Petty-

Sunday, March 11, 2012


Kita bercengkrama ditengah hujan
ditengah bayangan.
Kamu disana menarik rambutku ringan, mengangguku...
Aku suka caramu tertawa,
karena akhirnya itu menjadi alasanku
untuk ikut tertawa.

Bersamamu ringan.

I'm just a girl looking for A man.
The right man.
The simple one,
not the perfect one.


Buat aku terjatuh didalamnya, berenang bersama kehidupan diantaranya,
Dengan biru yang meluas. 
Ada catatan langit tergambar disana,
Terukir jelas, ketika warnanya beriring sama biru atau sedikit biru gelap atau keputihan.
Apakah menjadi masalah ketika kedalaman sudah tidak bisa lagi terukur oleh kepandaian manusia.
Apakah menjadi masalah ketika lautan mulai meluas,
Mencairkan segala yang telah membeku.
Aku diam,
Diam sebegitu lama memandangi sembari berpikir.
Bagaimana jika benar nantinya akan menjadi masalah.
A ah entahlah aku tidak sepandai itu menjawab pertanyaan.

Saturday, March 10, 2012


THE BOOK WITH NO NAME #1 International Bestseller

By Anonymous
At that day, I went to my favorite bookstore with my favorite friend of course.
I had a little walk around the bookcase.
View the catalogue, the latest magazine, japanese comics, architecture books, and ....
I got this one,
First time I saw it, my eyes keep attached into it.
My Friend said : " Just bought it, it seems catchy and misterious"
"Yeah Okay" I said

The book itself said :

"Hanya kemurnian hati yang mampu memahami halaman 
demi halaman buku ini. 
Setiap halaman yang kau buka, setiap bab yang kau baca,
 akan membawamu semakin dekat pada akhir.
Tidak setiap orang akan berhasil. 
Banyaknya plot cerita dan gaya bahasa yang berbeda, mungkin akan memusingkan dan membingungkan.
Dan sementara kau sibuk mencari kebenaran,
 ternyata ia ada tepat di depanmu.
Kegelapan akan datang, bersama kejahatan yang luar biasa.
Dan mereka yang telah membaca buku ini,
tidak akan pernah melihat cahaya lagi."


"Nothing compares to the simple pleasure of a bike ride"
  -John F. Kennedy, U.S. President

Because I found a huge happiness whenever I ride my bicycle
I may lost somewhere,
But I found the echoes once again

Thing I love the most
If I had a problem and seems nobody even don't give a damn
It gives me power,
It ease my pain,
I may prespired but I found a balance.

Friday, March 9, 2012


"Sometimes the harder you love someone, the more you push them away"

When i woke up this morning,
The very first thing i did was checked up my blackberry.
Since i had my wall clock taken down, I used to see the exact time by my blackberry.
It was a camouflage I think, which the truth is...
Ehmm yeah this way
I’m on my biggest hope that  I had a messege was send by you,
A morning text.
Like yesterday. Like you used to a couple days ago.
But nope. None was yours.
Seems like either it was really 'goodbye'.
Or just keep each other’s ego.

I want to go somewhere wide, where my eyes can see both of the very top of the world and the deep down of the world.


Bisakah kita dengan lepas membuyarkan apa sudah menjadi dogma?
Tidak bisakah hanya ada aku dan kamu?
Selagi masih dibawah langit yang sama
Mengapa tidak melihat bersama?
Haruskah untuk membiarkan pergi padahal hati tidak ingin?
Haruskah terlebih dulu berkata agar tidak salah menyimpulkan?
Sampai kapan?
Sampai terlalu lelah dan saling meninggalkan?
Atau sampai ada orang lain diantara masing dari kita?

IF people ask me what HAPPY is?
Then I will answer,


"I'm not a backup plan and definitely not a second choice"

You know the phrase
Everything happens for a reason. 
People change like the season.
So is the feeling. . .

I’m not an alarm. 
Ringing when there's an emergency occured.
I'm not the song,
which You can paused and played then stoped and played again, and scrambled by the suffle button.
I'm not the christmast box,
which u can open, and close and break easily !
I’m not  a fan,
which is cooling U down everytime u're on fire. I may the fire itself burning from the deep.
I'm not a tv,
which the chanel controled by the remote. Push the button for the program U like the most. 
I'm human n get bored easily !

Eventhough I'm happy whenever i've a conversation with you,
I need to quit playing with the butterflies, and heartaches.
I'm tired jackass!

Since you do not make any effort,
I make it simply,
Let's find the 'good' in goodbye.
I think it's time to realize that we aren't match for each other.
From Now on, Just do more of what makes you happy.
I think i’ll be okay!
Since I'm okay, you should be more than okay sir.
I won't complicate you anymore:))